A New Level of Sport
Ringette is not just for girls it offers anyone the chance to learn a new sport that builds strong and fit participates and teaching them how to skate on the ice. This a true team sport that encourages fair play and including all players to play this fun and exciting game.
Ringette is one of Canada’s fastest growing new sports. Its zero tolerance policy against fighting and the intensity of the team based structure of the sport, has led to its massive popularity moving throughout Canada and the World.
Board of Directors – 2024/2025
President – Lynn Hitchen, vrapres@gmail.com
Treasurer – Wilson Chao, vancouverringettetreasurer@gmail.com
Registrar – Lynn Hitchen, vraregistrar@gmail.com
Secretary – Christina Williston
Past President – Melinda Hrvatin
Ice Scheduler – M Yeung, VRAicescheduler@gmail.com
Referee in Chief – Angie Chao, vraric@gmail.com
Head Manager – Erica Shum
Equipment Manager – Jerome Waslen
Ringette is a team sport activity played on an ice surface. Ringette uses some rules and equipment that are similar to ice hockey; it requires the use of lightweight, straight, hollow sticks to control a blue rubber ring; with the objective of the game being to score goals by shooting the ring into the opponent’s net. The sport is officially co-ed, though it is primarily played by female participants. Ringette – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At viaSport, we believe that all British Columbians deserve equitable opportunities to develop and realize their potential through sport – as an athlete, coach, official or volunteer.
To create opportunities for all British Columbians to participate in Ringette in an engaging environment that provides fun, sportsmanship, competition, health and life long development.
Ringette Canada is the national sport organization that governs, promotes, and leads the development of ringette.